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Original type of teeth light switches used on the Hero Robot?

Original type of teeth light switches used on the Hero Robot?

While attending a local building event in Yorba Linda California, a friend of mind (Max Cervantes) brought by a selection of switches that look like they may have been of the type used in the original robot in the series of Lost in Space in the 60’s. Of the 2 sets presented the larger of the 2 sets seems to fit the bill.  Brian Nix thought the larger set looked very close  (if not the same as) the originals. The set with the brass colored barrels is the smaller set. Take a look at them and let me know if you think either one is the set. If they are then these are in deed a rare find as the switches used in the hero robot havent been made for some time. To date I havent seen any documented pictures or specs of what the orignal switches actually looked like (other than the front facing). So, if anyone can provide additional information it would be appreciated.

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